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De retour d'Australie, créer son entreprise en France !
Our services


The activities offered by CABINET BEGUE:

- " Train"  : acquisition and expansion of skills.

- " Advisor"  : ad hoc advice and / or coaching in a process of improvement and recognition of skills.

"Assess"  : assessment of business creation / takeover projects.

"Expertise"  : voluntary participation in the Commitment Committee of France Active Métropole-Initiative Val-de-Marne , (funder).

"To validate"  : participation in examination boards for the professional titles "Technico-commercial negotiator" and "Professional adult trainer" from the Ministry of Labor.


La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d'action suivante :

                                         ACTIONS DE FORMATION.

Our targeted targets


Economic sectors: all activities including social and solidarity economy.

Geographical location: Ile-de-France, France (mainland and overseas departments and territories) and international (Australia and Vietnam in particular).

Legal status: sole proprietorship (all tax regimes), commercial companies, association, Scop, Scic and structures for integration through economic activity (Siae).

Specificities: our activities are also aimed at impatriates and foreign business creators wishing to settle and practice in France .

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